Journal Articles

Ekpo, A.H. (1997)

"Foreign Private Investment in Nigeria: Evidence from Time Series Data" Economic and Financial Review, Central Bank of Nigeria, vol.35, No.1,March, pp. 59-78.

Ekpo, A.H, Asiama, J.P and Akosah, N.K (2014) "The Impact of fiscal dominance on monetary policy in Ghana", West African Economic Review, Vol. 2, 2, December, pp.10-34.

Ekpo, Akpan H (2016) "Global Economic Crisis and Africa’s Economic Performance", Africa Insight, vol. 46(1), June, pp.9-33.

Ekpo, Akpan H (2016) "Governance, Growth and Development in Selected West African Countries: A Reconsideration of the Evidence" Journal of Economics and Policy Analysis, 1(1), pp.1-13.

Ekpo, A.H (2015) "Formulation of a Consistent Macroeconomic Model with the Bond Market: Simple Analytics", West African Financial and Economic Review, vol. 13, No.2, pp.1-19.

Ekpo, Akpan H (2014) "Theoretical Issues in Measuring Distortions in An Economy", Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies, vol.56, No.2, 2014, pp.149-160.

Ekpo, A. H (2011) "Theoretical Basis for Planning in Nigeria: Evidence From a Petroleum-Export Economy", Nigerian Journal Of Economic and Social Studies, vol. 53, No.3, pp.311-324.

Ekpo. A. H(2010) "Distortions in Economic Theory And Method And the Nigerian Context" Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies, vol.52, No.3, pp.257-277).

Ekpo, A. H (2012) "Public Debt and Growth in Selected West African Countries: Implications for Economic Integration", African Journal of Economic Policy, vol.19, no.2, December, pp. 1-25.

Ekpo, A.H and Chuku Chuku (2017) "Regional Financial Integration and Economic Activity in Africa", Journal of African Economies, vol. 26, 2, November, pp.1140-1175.

Ekpo, A.H (2017) "Public Investment and Competitveness in ECOWAS: An Empirical Investigation" in Diery Seck (ed) Investment and Competitiveness in Africa, Springer

Nwokoma and Akpan H. Ekpo (2017) eds. Africa’s Capital Market Development: Issues in Corporate Governance and Economic Growth, University of Lagos Press.

Ekpo, Akpan H (2016) "Education and Economic Diversification for Self-reliance in Nigeria", West African Financial and Economic Review, Vol.15, No.2, pp.1-22.DOWNLOAD

Ekpo Akpan H, J. Asiama and N. Akosah (2014) "The Impact of Fiscal Dominance on Monetary Policy in Ghana", West African Economic Review, vol.2, 2014, pp.9-34.

Ekpo, Akpan H, and Eli Udo (2015) "External Debt, Growth and Poverty Reduction in a Failing State: Nigeria, 1970-2011",Journal of Business and Economics, vol.6, No.5, pp.944-957.

Ekpo, Akpan H (2015) "Economic Implications of the Ebola Outbreak for WestAfrica", West Africa Insight, vol.1, No.1, pp.18-25.

Ekpo, Akpan H. (2013) "Growth Without Development in Nigeria: Confronting the Paradox", The Nigerian Accountant, vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 18 – 31. DOWNLOAD

Ekpo, Akpan H. and Sam Omoruyi (2013) "Fiscal Policy Coordination: Issues with Illustration From Nigeria", West African Financial and Economic Review, vol. 10, No.1 pp. 1-29. DOWNLOAD

Ekpo, A.H (2012) "The Role of the Global Economic Crisis in the Dynamics of the Labour Market in Sub-Saharan Africa", West African Financial and Economic Review, vol. 9, no.1, pp.1-25.

Ekpo, A.H and Udoma Afangideh (2012) "Official Development Assistance and Economic Performance in Nigeria, 1970-2010", West African Journal of Monetary and Economic Integration, vol. 12, no.1, June, pp.128-152.

Ekpo, A.H (2012) "Employment, Growth and Poverty in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation", Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies, vol.54, N0.3, pp.295-314.

Ekpo, A.H. (2011) "Formulation and Implementation of Strategies for Effective Management of External Reserves: Country Experience", West African Financial and Economic Review, vol.8, No.2, December.

Ekpo, A.H. (2011) "The Banking Industry in Nigeria’s Economic Transformation:The Role of Professional Bankers", The Nigerian Banker, October-December, pp.4-11.

Ekpo,A.H. and U Afangide (2010) "Implications of Economic and Financial Integration for Monetary Management in Nigeria" West African Financial and Economic Review, vol.2, No.2., pp.1-21.

Ekpo, A.H and O. J. Umoh (2004) "Health and Education Sectors in Nigeria’s National Development, 1970-2000" International Journal of Social Science, vol.3, No. 1, June, pp. 124-135

Ekpo, A.H. and F. Egwakhide et al (2001) "Four Decades of Industrialization in Nigeria: A Critical Analysis", Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Sciences, vol.43., No.3, pp.365-400.

Ekpo, A.H. and O.J. Umoh (2001) "Economics of the Environment" Nigerian Journal of Social and Development Issues, Vol.1, No. 1, June, pp. 25-36. DOWNLOAD

Ekpo, A.H. (2001) "Interest Rate Management in Nigeria: Lessons From Conceptual and Empirical Reviews", NCEMA Policy Analysis Series, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 1-24.

Ekpo, A.H. and O. J. Umoh (2000) "The Economics of Industrial Pollution Abatement", Environmental Analor, No. 5, Pp – 349-365. DOWNLOAD

Ekpo, A.H. and F. Egwaikhide (1998). "Private Investment and External Debt: Is the debt Overhang Hypothesis Relevant to Nigeria" Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies, Vol. 40, No.1 , pp.87– 100.

Ekpo, A.H. (1996) "Military Expenditures and Economic Growth: The Nigerian Experience, 1960-1992" The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Management Studies, vol.1, nos.1&2, pp.1-10.

Ekpo, A.H. (1996) "The Role of the Annual Budget in Macroeconomic Management" NCEMA Policy Analysis Series, Vol.2, No.1, 1996, pp.1-10.

Ekpo, A.H. (1994) "Fiscal Federalism: Nigeria's Post-independence Experience, 1960-90" World Development,,Vol.22, No.8,August, pp.1129-1146

Ekpo, A.H. and J. Ndebbio (1994) "Money, Finance and Development in ECOWAS: Theory and Some Evidence", West African Economic Journal, Vol.7, No.2.,pp.83-92.

.Ekpo, A. H. and F. Egwaikhide (1994) "Exports And Economic Growth in Nigeria: A Re-consideration of the Evidence" Journal of Economic Management, NCEMA, Ibadan, Vol.1, No.1, Dec., pp. 101-115.

Ekpo, A.H. (1994) "Local Government Fiscal Operations in an Oil-Export Economy: Nigeria,1980-1992" African Journal Of Economic Policy, vol. 1, No.2, pp.1-18. DOWNLOAD

Ekpo, A.H. (1993) "A Re-examination of the Theory and Philosophy of structural Adjustment" Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social studies", vol.35, No.1, pp. 64.78.

Ekpo, A.H (1992) "Unemployment and Inflation During Structural Adjustment: The Nigerian Experience" Eastern African Economic Review, vol.8, No.2, December,pp. 102-113. Also in Economic and Business Review,vol.1 No.2, December, 1992, pp.78-94.

Ekpo, A.H. (1992) "Economic Development Under Structural Adjustment: Evidence From Selected West African Countries" Journal Of Social Development in Africa, vol.7, No.1 pp. 25-43. DOWNLOAD

Ekpo, A. H.(2015). Ecowas at 40 and the Journay Towards Economic Integration. WestAfrica Insight: Ecowas at 40. Centre for DEmocracy and Development. Vol. 4, No. 7. DOWNLOAD

Ekpo, A.H. (1992) "Economic Recovery and Self-reliance in Nigeria: Implications for Labour" Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives, vol. XI.No.1, March, pp.81-95.

Ekpo, A.H. and F. Vivekananda(1992) "Political Economy of Human Rights: A Materialist Interpretation" Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives, June, vol.IX, No.2, pp.17-34.

Ekpo, A.H. (1991) "The Economics of Public Enterprises in Nigeria: Implications For Recovery and Development" Public Enterprises, ICPE,l.11,No.4,December, pp. 258-267.

Ekpo, A.H. (1991) "Food Crop Sector Performance in ECOWAS, 1976-1986: Implications for Development" West African Economic Journal, vol.6, pp.35-52.

Ekpo, A.H. (1991) "Second-tier Foreign Exchange Market and the Nigerian Economy: Theoretical Issues" African Journal of Applied and Theoretical Issues, 1.1 pp. 88-102.

Ekpo, A.H. and L. Etim (1989) "The Performance of Nigeria's Fishery Sector: An Empirical Analysis, 1976- 1985", Geo-Journal, 19.1, pp. 291-295

Ekpo, A.H. (1989) "The Morphology of Growth in Selected West African Countries", Decision, 16.1, pp. 13-21 (India).

Ekpo, A.H. (1987) "Capital Formation in Selected West African Countries:Theory and Empirical Evidence", Analysis Economico, 2.1 June, (Chile,pp. 55-65. Also in West African Economic Journal, Vol.6, pp.313-142. DOWNLOAD

Ekpo, A.H. (1987) "Telecommunications and Economic Growth: The Case of West Africa, 1970-85", World Telecommunications Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, .pp. 98-103.

Ekpo, A.H. (1986): "Food Dependency and the Nigerian Economy: An Ex-post Analysis", Nigerian Journal of Economics and Social Studies, 28.2, July.

Ekpo, A.H. and T. Agiobenebo (1985) "Corruption and Prices: A Theoretical Note",Nigerian Journal of Economics and Social Studies, 27.3, pp.305-17

Ekpo, A.H. (1985) "Food Crises and the Nigerian Economy", Oduduma Business Journal, 2,pp. 5-18.

Ekpo, A.H. and T. Agiobenobo (1981) "Cocoa Research in Nigeria: An Ex-post Investment Analysis: Comment and An Extension", Nigerian Journal of Economics and Social Studies, 23.2, 1981, pp. 252-32.

9th Inaugural Lecture

The Inaugural Lecture featured
  • Political Economy of Structural Adjustment
  • Framework of Analysis
  • Performance of the Nigerian Economy
  • The Real Sector
  • Monetary and Financial
  • The External Sector
  • Trends in Other Key Economic Indicators
  • Contributions From Selected Works
  • The Adjustment of Economics?
  • Can There Be An African Economic Theory?
  • The National Economic Emgowerment and Development Strategy(NEEDS)